Literature Review on Contraceptive use among Adolescent Students in Kibera Informal Settlements in Nairobi Country

David Sande Ouma *
Sociology Graduate, Moi University, Eldoret-Kenya.
Periodicity:February - April'2022


The question revolving around birth control or contraceptive use has sufficed the lips and minds of social demography think tanks, guided by the desired vision of having equitable and sufficient resources for the people. However, the issue of contraceptive use among adolescents, who are school going children in informal settlements, still remains a challenge, attracting a discourse for those for or against contraceptive use. This literature review attempts to answer some questions. What is the status of contraceptive use among adolescents in Kibera informal settlements? What are the discourses for or against contraceptive use among adolescents in Kibera informal settlements? How have government and nongovernmental organizations contributed to the proper usage of contraceptives among adolescents in Kibera informal settlements? What are the existing policy framework and programs on contraceptive use and have they been effective? This topic on contraceptives has undergone numerous research studies in different parts of the world, thus a desk review is employed. These research findings are of the view that, contraceptives are easily accessed at the pharmacies over the counter by adolescents though its frequency is not properly regulated due to their business nature, contraceptive use is viewed in terms of reducing unplanned pregnancies that is deemed to bring additional economic burden to a girl, the government and non-governmental organizations have been at the forefront of providing advocacy and community sensitization to sex education and contraceptive use among the youth, though poverty levels of the locals has derailed the process and despite having policies on contraceptive use on the ground, there still exists loopholes that need to be filled. It is thus the submission of this paper that the issue of early sexual debut among adolescents is a growing menace, and all the efforts geared towards championing proper contraceptive usage among adolescents should be supported.


Contraception, Adolescent, Student, Informal Settlement, Contraceptive use.

How to Cite this Article?

Ouma, D. S. (2022). Literature Review on Contraceptive use among Adolescent Students in Kibera Informal Settlements in Nairobi Country. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 12(1), 20-44.


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