The Relationship between Fear of Covid-19 and Life Satisfaction: Coping Strategies with Covid-19 and Perceived Social Support as Mediators

Abdullah Manap*, Cemal Karadaş**
* Batman University, Batman, Turkey.
** Inonu University, Turkey.
Periodicity:February - April'2022


This study investigated the mediating role of coping strategies and perceived social support in the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and life satisfaction. The study adopted a quantitative approach with a correlational design. The study group included 729 participants, and of these participants, 347 were women (47.6%) and 382 were men (52.4%). To collect the data, a personal information form, multidimensional scale of perceived social support, coping with the pandemic scale and fear of COVID scale, and Life Satisfaction Scale were used. The data were collected online through Google Forms. Before the path analysis, assumptions such as multicollinearity and normality were checked, which showed that the data were suitable for the analysis. Nearly all the correlations between the variables were significant except the one between fear of COVID and life satisfaction. The path analysis suggested that there was no significant association between fear of COVID and life satisfaction. However, the life satisfaction of individuals with fear of COVID increases as they use more coping strategies and perceive a higher level of social support. The current study, conducted on individuals who were lonely with some social and personal problems during the pandemic, will contribute to the literature. Finally, some suggestions were given based on the findings.


COVID-19, Fear of COVID, Coping, Social Support, Life Satisfaction.

How to Cite this Article?

Manap, A., and Karadaş, C. (2022). The Relationship between Fear of Covid-19 and Life Satisfaction: Coping Strategies with Covid-19 and Perceived Social Support as Mediators. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 15(4), 64-72.


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