A Study To Find Out The Classroom Behaviour Of Teacher Educators Of Federal College Of Education

Aijaz Ahmed Gujjar*, Bushra Naoreen Choudhry**
* Lecturer, Federal College of Education, Islamabad & Doctoral scholar, Department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
** Lecturer, G C University, Faisalabad & Doctoral scholar, Department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Periodicity:May - July'2009
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.3.1.186


The main aim of the paper was to find out the classroom behavior of teacher educators of Federal College of Education (FCE). In order to get the desire end a 36 items questionnaire was constructed and divided into six dimensions ( students’ command on content, practice before independent work, monitoring students’ progress, teachers classroom instructions, use of question answer techniques and over all classroom behavior) . The questionnaire was pilot tested and the reliability of the tool was 0.760 (Cronbach’s Alpha). 300 student teachers from the FCE were considered as the sample of the study. After getting the data, the data was tabulated and analyzed by using the (SPSS XII) in terms of mean, independent sample t-test and one way ANOVA. The study reveals that there is a significant difference on the variable of gender of student teaches on practice before independent work. There is no significant difference on the variable of gender of teacher educators on any dimension. There is a significant difference on the variable of designation of teacher educators on the dimensions of practice before independent work, monitoring students’ progress, teachers classroom instructions, use of question answer techniques and over all classroom behavior of teacher educators. There is a significant difference on the variable teacher educators’ qualification on practice before independent work and monitoring students’ progress. There is a significant difference on the variable of classes being taught on the dimensions of students’ command on content, monitoring students’ progress, use of question answer techniques and over all class room behavior of teacher educators. The study concludes that the teacher educators possessing higher research degrees such as PhD are better equipped to satisfy the students through practice before independent work and monitoring the progress of the student teachers.


Classroom Behaviour, Teacher Educator, Questioning, Monitoring, Students’ Progress, Practice, Independent Work.

How to Cite this Article?

Dr. Aijaz Ahmed Gujjar and Dr. Bushra Naoreen Choudhry (2009). A Study To Find Out The Classroom Behaviour Of Teacher Educators Of Federal College Of Education. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 3(1), 54-62. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.3.1.186


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