AES-Based Encoding and Decoding Images using MATLAB

Neelima Thakur*, Siddhartha Choubey**, Abha Choubey***
*-*** Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chhattisgarh, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2022


This paper mainly deals with mixed-image secret writing techniques. From the point of view of information security, recording secret images are extremely important. Security is the most complex aspect of networks and network applications. The web and networked applications are growing in the blink of an eye, which increases the importance and, therefore, the value of the information transmitted through the web or alternative media. Encryption can be related to improve image security by scanning pixels. Encryption will protect privacy on its own. It works in a wide variety of fields, such as network communications, medical photography, and military communications. Due to the natural selection of images, such as high duplication of information and the ability of mass dissemination of information, image encryption is different from the text. Text encryption is the conversion of information into an encoded cipher code that cannot be easily decrypted by outsiders.


Image Encryption, Image Decryption, Text Encryption, Cipher Text.

How to Cite this Article?

Thakur, N., Choubey, S., and Choubey, A. (2022). AES-Based Encoding and Decoding Images using MATLAB. i-manager’s Journal on Computer Science, 9(4), 1-5.


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