4C particulates are used to develop two different MMC samples. The hardness and the corrosion test were investigated to estimate the enhanced properties of the fabricated composites. Macro-hardness test and the immersion corrosion test were carried out by using a Vickers hardness tester at an applied load of 5 kgf according to ASTM E92 and 3.5% NaCl solution according to ASTM G31 respectively. With the help of optical microscopy, the corroded surfaces were analysed. The results obtained from the investigation show that AA5052/B4C MMC gives more improved hardness and the AA5052/SiC MMC shows more corrosion rate compared to the other two samples.


Macro-Hardness and Corrosion Behavior of Silicon Carbide or Boron Carbide Reinforced AA5052 MMC

Murlidhar Patel*, Sushanta Kumar Sahu**, Mukesh Kumar Singh***
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing (IIITDM), Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India.
** Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Science and Technology, Berhampur, Odisha, India.
*** Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2022
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.9.4.18593


Metal matrix composites (MMCs) enhance the mechanical and tribological properties according to the composition of the particulate reinforcement of silicon carbide/boron carbide and AA5052 aluminium alloy matrix. The MMC samples were fabricated by the stir casting method of liquid processing route. The same weight percentages (5 wt. %) and same particle size (63 µm) of both SiC and B4C particulates are used to develop two different MMC samples. The hardness and the corrosion test were investigated to estimate the enhanced properties of the fabricated composites. Macro-hardness test and the immersion corrosion test were carried out by using a Vickers hardness tester at an applied load of 5 kgf according to ASTM E92 and 3.5% NaCl solution according to ASTM G31 respectively. With the help of optical microscopy, the corroded surfaces were analysed. The results obtained from the investigation show that AA5052/B4C MMC gives more improved hardness and the AA5052/SiC MMC shows more corrosion rate compared to the other two samples.


Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite (AMMC), Boron Carbide (B4C), Corrosion, Hardness, Metal Matrix Composite (MMC), Silicon Carbide (SiC).

How to Cite this Article?

Patel, M., Sahu, S. K., and Singh, M. K. (2022). Macro-Hardness and Corrosion Behavior of Silicon Carbide or Boron Carbide Reinforced AA5052 MMC. i-manager’s Journal on Material Science, 9(4), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.9.4.18593


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