An Approach of Battery Energy Management Systems for DC Micro-Grids Considering Stateflow Controller

Christian Ndeke Bipongo*, Marco Adonis**
* Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa.
Periodicity:January - March'2022


This paper presents an approach of battery energy management systems for DC micro-grids considering Stateflow controller. In micro-grids, batteries have been the favorite energy storage technology focus on addressing and accelerate United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7 'Affordable and Clean Energy' as well as contributing to the discussion around the long-term mitigation of climate change. However, their improper or non-effective operations can cause over-current, overvoltage or overcharging/discharging and significantly impact on their lifespan and on the micro-grid reliability. Comparatively to Lithium Ion (Li-ion) battery, most of the technologies present some issues, which can impact negatively on the battery lifetime as well as the average of energy stored in the battery. In case of battery bank, the deep discharge or the premature charge of battery can lead to a reduced lifetime of the storage system. The aim of this study was to develop a battery management system algorithm to control the charging/discharging of a battery bank and to keep its state of charge in the admissible limits to avoid the deep charging/discharging of the battery within a DC micro-grid. The objectives of this proposed work were to develop a control system schemes for the DC microgrid and to develop an energy management system using MATLAB/Simulink software. The results of the scenarios of the developed algorithm have shown that this algorithm could be able to ensure the reliability, the resiliency, the robustness and the proper operation of the battery systems in micro-grids. The results have shown that the initial investment cost could comparatively be lower and could decrease the economic analyze in terms of LCOE.


Battery Energy Management System, State of Charge, DC Micro-Grid, Renewable Energy, Distributed Generation.

How to Cite this Article?

Bipongo, C. N., and Adonis, M. (2022). An Approach of Battery Energy Management Systems for DC Micro-Grids Considering Stateflow Controller. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 15(3), 1-24.


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