Transmission Loss Allocation in Transaction Frame-work using Genetic Algorithm

S.V.N.L. Lalitha*, Maheswarapu Sydulu**
* Associate Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, K L University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District., Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.
Periodicity:April - June'2012


Using a physical flow based approach, power injected at a bus can be expressed as a product of transaction amounts and transaction co-efficients for all buses except slack bus. Since the slack bus has to compensate for the system losses, transaction co-efficients corresponding to system slack bus include an additional component to account for the loss and thus necessitate the need to be calculated iteratively. This paper proposes a Zbus method for direct determination of the loss allocation among transactions provided the transaction co-efficients are known. An attempt is made to find the transaction co-efficients corresponding to slack bus using Genetic Algorithm (GA). Case study is performed on IEEE 24 bus RTS with multiple transactions and the test results are compared with the results of existing methods.


Genetic Algorithm, load flow, network usage, transmission loss allocation, transactions, Zbus

How to Cite this Article?

S.V.N.L. Lalitha and Maheswarapu Sydulu (2012). Transmission Loss Allocation In Transaction Framework Using Genetic Algorithm. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 5(4), 23-29.


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