How could Mindfulness Help? A Perspective on the Applications of Mindfulness in Enhancing Tomorrow's Workplace

Bishal Patangia*, Rahul G Sankruthyayana**, Anuradha Sathiyaseelan***, Sathiyaseelan Balasundaram****
*-*** Department of Psychology, School of Social Science, Christ University, Bengaluru, India.
**** School of Business and Management, Christ University, Bengaluru, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2022


Mindfulness has emerged as one of the major strategies for the well-being of employees in the current corporate world. As the workspace continues to evolve due to technological and structural advancement, employees face difficulty coping and lack the desired agility. The present study is a systematic review of around a hundred scientific papers and various books and business research articles from the period of 2000–2021 focusing on mindfulness and employee wellness research from various journals such as Jama Psychiatry, Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being, journals from Frontier Psychology and Emerald Publications, and others. The study aims to explore mindfulness and its applications across various vocational sectors, with particular emphasis on its potential relevance to the Indian population. The study also discusses the evolution of mindfulness, its implications for improving work culture and leadership, and its application in various workplaces. As there are very few mindfulness-based studies conducted on the Indian working population, the present study helps to bridge the gap and recommends future studies to be conducted on the Indian population to establish concrete scientific evidence on the possible impact of mindfulness on employees' vocational lives. The paper makes a unique contribution by analyzing the potential for enhancement through mindfulness in various vocational sectors and also identifies a strong scope for research in the emerging areas of corporate agility and robot-assisted interventions.


Mindfulness, Workplace Wellness, Workplace Health Management.

How to Cite this Article?

Patangia, B., Sankruthyayana, R. G., Sathiyaseelan, A., and Balasundaram, S. (2022). How could Mindfulness Help? A Perspective on the Applications of Mindfulness in Enhancing Tomorrow's Workplace. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 16(3), 52-68.


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