Youth Unemployment: The Ever Elusive Luck in Youth Placement and Employment in Kenya

David Sande Ouma *
Sociologist and Dean of Studies, FPFK Goodhope School, Nairobi, Kenya.
Periodicity:December - February'2022


The start of the millennium across the globe was characterized by increased academic enlightenment, professional specialization, increased rural to urban migrations and increased unemployment rates. Youth have become the most vulnerable segment of the status quo as a result of the fruits of the status quo, which have led to their miserable lives due to poor social, economic status and joblessness. This review is guided by the following questions: (1) Are youth sufficiently given the platform to showcase their potential? (2) Do current youth policies adequately address their grievances? (3) What are the contributions of the youth in the country? (4) What are the probable solutions to the challenges? This review reveals that (1) there are few opportunities for youth, (2) youth policies are only partially implemented, (3) the negative consequences of failing to include youth in national and country programmes are severe and (4) a lack of professional ethics, accountability, and meritocracy in organisations is a recipe for denying qualified youth opportunities. The paper concludes that, (1) the education curriculum should be reviewed to corroborate national values and ethos from elementary to university institutions, (2) tightened and pragmatic legislation are key parameters to deterrence and retribution of perpetrators causing inequity in employment opportunities, (3) political goodwill is imperative in equalizing youth participation in national processes, (4) the government's pluralistic approach to the economy is key to create more jobs, and (5) internships and apprenticeships should be considered a must for colleges and universities to release quality graduates to the job market.


Youth, Unemployment, Government, Employment, National Ideals, Youth Placement.

How to Cite this Article?

Ouma, D. S. (2022). Youth Unemployment: The Ever Elusive Luck in Youth Placement and Employment in Kenya. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 16(3), 37-51.


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