Overview of Data Security, Classification and Control Measure: A Study

Mitali Sharma*, Harsh Jindal**, Santosh Kumar***, Rakesh Kumar****
*,** Department of Computer Engineering, Chandigarh Group of Colleges Landran, Mohali, Punjab, India.
*** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh Group of Colleges Landran, Mohali, Punjab, India.
**** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh University, Mohali, Punjab, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2022
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jit.11.1.18557


Data is a more basic resource for all associations than at any other time in recent memory. Recent advances and models such as sensor platforms, IoT, distributed computing, and information exploration make it possible for the inevitable, skilled, and real collection of information. Information security and protection are essential for information to be used to its full potential. Despite the fact that information security and protection have been mostly considered during the last few years, today it is faced with new and unpleasant problems in information security and protection. Part of these difficulties arises from security concerns about the use of information and from the need to combine security with the use of information for security in applications such as national insurance, counter-terrorism and well-being, food, and water security. Various difficulties arise due to the fact that the organization of a new set of data and processing devices, for example, used in the IoT, increases the information attack surface. This paper reviews the significant ideas and approaches to information security, protection and identifies the research challenges that should be addressed with comprehensive solutions to information security and privacy questions.


Data, Security, Protection, Cyberattacks, Data Integrity, Access Control, World Wide Web, Data Encryption.

How to Cite this Article?

Sharma, M., Jindal, H., Kumar, S., and Kumar, R. (2022). Overview of Data Security, Classification and Control Measure: A Study. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 11(1), 17-34. https://doi.org/10.26634/jit.11.1.18557


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