Application of Mathematics in Design of Group Key Management Method

A. V. V. S. Murthy*, P. Vasudeva Reddy**
* Department of Mathematics, Dr S.R.K. Govt. Arts College, Yanam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Department of Mathematics, Andhra University College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2022


Group theory and Combinatorics play important role in design security protocols, algorithms and techniques for various security applications. Secure group-oriented communication is crucial to a wide range of applications in Internet of Things (IoT). Key management is the mechanism which is used to work out the problem of creation, establishment, to distribute, periodic refresh and the maintenance of the cryptographic keys. It is not enough to care only about primitives that satisfy a stated security objective in the domain of the IoT. The design of group key establishment techniques for securing group communications between resource-constrained IoT devices is presented in this work. Furthermore, the paper assesses possible ways for tailoring current security protocols to the peculiarities of IoT devices and networks.


Key Management, Security, IoT Security, Authentication, Bilinear Pairings.

How to Cite this Article?

Murthy, A. V. V. S., and Reddy, P. V. (2022). Application of Mathematics in Design of Group Key Management Method. i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics, 11(1), 31-38.


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