Software Reusability through Object-Oriented Inheritance Tree Metric

Sunil Kumar Singh*, Kumar Rajnish**, Kamal K Mehta***
* Department of MCA, Sri Shankaracharya College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai
** Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi
*** Department of Computer Science & Engineering SSCET BHILAI (C.G.)
Periodicity:January - March'2009


Various Object-Oriented (OO) inheritance metrics have been proposed and their reviews are available in the literature. This paper presents the empirical approach to OO inheritance tree metric proposed by Rajnish and Bhattacherje and an attempt has been made to define an empirical relation between software development times with respect to its dependence upon inheritance tree metric values. An attempt has also been made to analyze the various dependencies of development time of a program upon its inheritance tree metric values. A statistical analysis was done and focus was on how closely the inheritance tree metrics were correlated to the development time of various C++ class hierarchies.


Object-Oriented, Inheritance Tree, Metrics, Classes, Class Hierarchy

How to Cite this Article?

Sunil Kumar Singh, Kumar Rajnish and Kamal K Mehta (2009). Software Reusability through Object-Oriented Inheritance Tree Metric, i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 3(3),1-5.


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