Insights from Virtual Practicum Observation Tasks in Turkey during Covid-19

Ceylan Yangin Ersanli*, Burçak Yilmaz Yakişik**
* Department of English Language Education, Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey.
** Department of English Language Education, Gazi University, Turkey.
Periodicity:April - June'2022


With the declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic in March 2020, primary and secondary schools were closed abruptly, and pre-service teachers had to attend virtual practicum through online platforms. The present study investigates the implementation of emergency remote teaching in a practicum. The study aims at providing an insight into regular observation tasks submitted by pre-service teachers so as to explore the effects of the pandemic and virtual practicum on their professional growth. The study was conducted with 23 pre-service English language teachers taking virtual practicum at two state universities in Turkey. The study employs a qualitative content analysis on observation reports submitted by participants during the School Experience Course, conducted as the first part of the practicum in the fall semester of 2020. The findings indicate that the virtualisation of courses at schools and the practicum at faculties of education has brought about serious problems in equity and the intended learning goals. The digital divide poses a serious problem, especially for the economically disadvantaged. Although mentor teachers in practicum schools appear to improve on how to teach online, in-service training and governmental or institutional support about materials and learning management systems are still needed. Based on the findings of the study, the authors suggested that all stakeholders should make the best out of the emergency remote teaching experience and learn how to cope with it rather than view it as a temporary situation, as the COVID-19 pandemic might not be the last pandemic the world might encounter.


Covid-19 Pandemic, Practicum, Pre-Service English Language Teachers, Emergency Remote Teaching, Virtual Practicum.

How to Cite this Article?

Ersanli, C. Y., and Yakişik, B. Y. (2022). Insights from Virtual Practicum Observation Tasks in Turkey during Covid-19. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 12(2), 1-15.


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