Analytic Rayleigh Wave Speed Formula in Non-Linear Orthotropic Material

A. Rehman*, Maqsood-Ul-Hassan**
*-** Department of Mathematics, National College of Business Administration & Economics, Punjab, Pakistan.
Periodicity:January - June'2022


Analytic Rayleigh wave speed formula in nonlinear orthotropic medium is determined. Speed of Rayleigh waves in iodic acid, a specimen of non-linear orthotropic materials, is calculated and is compared with that of the speed in linear orthotropic iodic acid. In linear iodic acid, three distinct Rayleigh waves propagate with speeds 53.44 km/s, 80.94 km/s, and 125.37 km/s, respectively. While, in nonlinear iodic acid these three waves become coincident and only one Rayleigh wave seem to propagate with velocity 63.68 km/s.


Rayleigh Waves, Linear, Non-Linear, Orthotropic Material, Elasticity, Hooke's Law, Strain, Stress.

How to Cite this Article?

Rehman, A., and Maqsood-Ul-Hassan. (2022). Analytic Rayleigh Wave Speed Formula in Non-Linear Orthotropic Material. i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics, 11(1), 12-19.


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