Human Recognition System using Behavioral and Physical Biometrics

Ragini Pathari*, Snehlata Barde**
*-** Department of Computer Science, Shantiniketan College, Raipur, Chhatisgarh, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2021


The use of biometric systems has grown rapidly in recent decades. This paper mainly deals with multi-modal biometric systems, fake identification, etc., and sheds light on how to achieve privacy and security in a biometric system. Comprehensive and critical studies of various detection algorithms are presented. The first step in detection is to isolate the face recognition system from the background. The paper also presents several applications in different fields, viz. basic content imaging, image acquisition, and video encoding. The article focused on various multimodal systems using various modalities and algorithms for human recognition through verification, identification, and authentication.


Recognition, Verification, Identification, Authentication, Biometrics System, Multimodal Biometrics.

How to Cite this Article?

Pathari, R., and Barde, S. (2021). Human Recognition System using Behavioral and Physical Biometrics. i-manager’s Journal on Image Processing, 8(4), 26-31.


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