Surfaces in R3 with density

Lakehal BELARBI*, Mohamed Belkhelfa**
*-** Laboratoire de physique quantique de la matière et modélisation mathématiques de matière, (LPQ3M), Université de Mascara, Algérie.
Periodicity:January - March'2012


In this paper, the authors write the equation of minimal surfaces in R with linear density (in the case j(x,y,z) = x, j(x,y,z) = y and j(x,y,z) = z), and they characterize some solutions of the equation of minimal graphs in R3 with linear j 3 density = e , and they write the j -Gauss curvature and the j - mean curvature formulae of the revolution surfaces in R with radial density .


Manifolds with density, minimal surfaces.

How to Cite this Article?

Belarbi, L., and Belkhelfa, M. (2012). Surfaces In R3 With Density. i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics, 1(1), 34-48.


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