2O4 composed with different ratios added to the plastic waste solution. According to this study, 30-50% of shield fillers mixed with plastic waste could produce an efficient EMF shield.
">EMF radiation and plastic pollution are very common issues across the globe that needs to be addressed as a concern. As technology progresses, an immediate increase in typical pollutants are spread as global pollution. Parallel researchers propose various types of anti-radiation materials to promote better shields as well as controlling plastic waste through recycling. In this article, we propose a shield filling material produced from plastic waste composites and Copper Bismuth Oxide mixtures. Our study demonstrates that the critical mixture formulation enables electromagnetic field (EMF) shielding materials. The plastic waste is preprocessed and turns into plastic flakes and is converted into solution by hydrolysis. The low volatile solution reacted with the Copper Bismuth Oxide mixture and undergoes a chemical reaction to form a shielding material that serves as a thick and flexible sheet. The tough and tensile EMF shield material was tested for physical and mechanical properties used for various applications. Radiation attenuation properties were measured by X-ray and Gamma radiation for composite mixed metal elements CuBi2O4 composed with different ratios added to the plastic waste solution. According to this study, 30-50% of shield fillers mixed with plastic waste could produce an efficient EMF shield.