Achieving Green Computing Through Algorithmic Efficiency

B. Soujanya Nemalikanti*, Polavarapu Sindhura**, Pavan Kumar Tumalla***, Srikanth Vemuru****
*-**-***-**** Department of Information Science and Technology, KL University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur.
Periodicity:December - February'2012


Power consumption has always been a crucial factor in deciding the performance of a computing system. The existing factors that serve as a yardstick to measure the performance include Space complexity and Time complexity. However, towards a Greener era of computing, it is the need of the hour to consider High Performance Systems that are energy efficient and thereby lesser heat and carbon emitters. The conventional approach ,on the software grounds, include redefining algorithms that focus on the reduction on the time complexity and Space Complexity of the program .We, hereby, propose a novel approach that takes into consideration the Power Optimization ,with respect to making an algorithm more efficient ,as an equally important issue for a greener solution towards energy efficient programs.


Green computing, Energy efficient, Power optimisation

How to Cite this Article?

Nemalikanti, S. B., Sindhura, P.,Tumalla, P, K., and Vemuru, S. (2012). Achieving Green Computing Through Algorithmic Efficiency. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 1(1), 39-43.


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