Investigating Preservice Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Trust and Burnout Levels Based on Gender and Academic Year-Level

Canan Cakir*, Emre Dinc**
*Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.
**The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA USA.
Periodicity:August - October'2021


This study aims to investigate the trust of pre-service elementary mathematics teachers in students and parents and their burnout levels. The correlations between the trust in students and parents, exhaustion, cynicism, efficacy and the differences between these variables based on gender and year-level were investigated. One-hundred and seventy-six participants who were pursuing their degrees in elementary mathematics education participated in the study. There was a negative correlation between trust and exhaustion as well as trust and cynicism. In contrast, the correlation was positive between trust and efficacy. Results showed that males' level of cynicism is higher than that of their female counterparts. There was also a statistically significant difference between year-levels in favor of exhaustion.


Academic optimism, Burnout, Elementary Mathematics, Pre-service teachers, Gender.

How to Cite this Article?

Cakir, C., and Dinc, E. (2021). Investigating Preservice Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Trust and Burnout Levels Based on Gender and Academic Year-Level. i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 15(2), 53-63.


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