Grounded Theory Approach in Nursing Practice

Neelam Saleem*
University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada.
Periodicity:November - January'2022


Grounded theory is a methodological approach that aims to generate a theory that is grounded in systematically gathered data and its analysis through an inductive process. Annells (1997) defined grounded theory methodology as a qualitative approach to an inquiry that is embedded in relativist ontology and subjectivist epistemology. The purpose of grounded theory is to generate a theory that is rooted in the participant's perspective involved in the study. This paper aims to explicate the ontological and epistemological points of view of the constructivist paradigm. The constructivist paradigm has a relativist ontology and a subjective epistemology (Guba & Lincoln, 1994). A critique of grounded theory methodology is discussed inconsideration of diverse factors such as health and power-related inequalities, environment, social context, culture, gender, and social status. In nursing research, grounded theory is increasingly used by researchers. This paper will highlight the importance of grounded theory research for nursing practice and the generation of theories that are rooted in real clinical practices (Lazenbatt & Elliott, 2005).


Grounded Theory Approach, Nursing, Nursing Practice, Methodological approach, Ontology, Epistemology.

How to Cite this Article?

Saleem, N. (2022). Grounded Theory Approach in Nursing Practice. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 11(4), 1-8.


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