Implementation of Law on Low Wages in Textile Industry: Influence on Industrial Relations

Yerragola Prakash*, Bojja Charwak**, Padishala Vijaya Kumar***
*-***School of Management Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2021


Industrial unrest in an industry effect the productivity, loss of man-days, supply and demand of goods and services. Most of the conflict among the employer and workforce is payment of wages, payment of bonus, equal remuneration among the men and women, discharge of collective bargaining agreement, negotiation for incentives and productivity linked wage plans. Multistage sample technique with a sample of n=1008 that comprises of 2 large scales and 1 medium scale textile industrial units is where the study was carried out. Exploratory research was used to extract the factors and validate the instrument. Correlation, simple and multiple regression analysis were used to study the implementation of law on wages and its effects on perception of workforce on robust industrial relations. The study concludes that implementation of law on wages is significant and has positive effect on perception of workforce on robust industrial relations.


Law on Wages, Industrial Relations, Textile Industry, Factor Analysis, Correlation, Regression, Low Wages.

How to Cite this Article?

Prakash, Y., Charwak, B., and Kumar, P. V. (2021). Implementation of Law on Low Wages in Textile Industry: Influence on Industrial Relations. i-manager's Journal on Management, 16(1), 21-35.


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