Reviewing Web Searching In The 21st Century Education

Faezeh Seyedarabi*
Lecturer Researcher, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Periodicity:March - May'2012


In this paper, the government's initiatives and policies for improving schools in the UK are highlighted to be the main drive for the Internet use of teachers and online resources in their classroom teaching. The aim of this review is to outline Web searching as an important part of education and society in the 21st century. Hence, in order to learn more about the Web searching needs and preferences of teachers and in particular those in the UK, researchers are recommended to explore future research questions in the area of teachers' information needs and search behaviours. This should enable researchers to better understand the barriers associated with the integration of ICT tools like the Internet in classroom teaching as well as the technological needs of teachers in the 21st century.


Classroom Teaching, ICT, Internet, Teachers, Web Searching, World Wide Web.

How to Cite this Article?

Seyedarabi,F.(2012). Reviewing Web Searching In The 21st Century Education.i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology, 7(4), 49-61.


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