st century, Educational environments where technology is used more effectively have become popular in the last decade. Attitude levels of preservice teachers (PST) who will be included in these educational environments were examined in terms of mathematics, technology, and the use of technology in mathematics lessons. The research was carried out with 181 pre-service teachers, and convergent parallel design from mixed methods was used. Quantitative data (N=181) were collected with the “Mathematics and technology attitude scale” and the scanning method was used. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data. Qualitative data (N=49) were collected through interview forms. In the analysis of the data, primarily descriptive, according to the research questions, and content analysis was used in order to determine the sources of the attitudes. According to the results of the research, it was found that PSTs exhibited moderate attitudes in all sub-dimensions of mathematical confidence, learning mathematics with technology, confidence in using technology, affective participation in mathematics and behavioral participation in mathematics, in the descriptive analyzes conducted in line with the statements of the PSTs. The findings indicated that while PSTs were at a moderate level in the subcategories of mathematical confidence and behavioral participation in mathematics, they were at a high level in the subcategories of learning mathematics with technology, confidence in using technology and affective participation in mathematics. It has been found that the sources of attitude towards mathematics in PSTs mainly consist of teaching processes (teacher, subject, success, method, experience). Also, it has been determined that the sources of attitude towards mathematics behaviors differ slightly in categories and consist of teaching processes (subject, teacher, classroom atmosphere, achievement, homework and responsibility). Lastly, it has been concluded that the sources of attitude towards technology are, in turn, the use of technology in lessons, their experience with technology and the necessity of the age.


Attitudes of Preservice Teachers to Mathematics and Technology

Aysegül Büyükkarci*
Faculty, Department of Education, Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey.
Periodicity:June - August'2021


In the 21st century, Educational environments where technology is used more effectively have become popular in the last decade. Attitude levels of preservice teachers (PST) who will be included in these educational environments were examined in terms of mathematics, technology, and the use of technology in mathematics lessons. The research was carried out with 181 pre-service teachers, and convergent parallel design from mixed methods was used. Quantitative data (N=181) were collected with the “Mathematics and technology attitude scale” and the scanning method was used. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data. Qualitative data (N=49) were collected through interview forms. In the analysis of the data, primarily descriptive, according to the research questions, and content analysis was used in order to determine the sources of the attitudes. According to the results of the research, it was found that PSTs exhibited moderate attitudes in all sub-dimensions of mathematical confidence, learning mathematics with technology, confidence in using technology, affective participation in mathematics and behavioral participation in mathematics, in the descriptive analyzes conducted in line with the statements of the PSTs. The findings indicated that while PSTs were at a moderate level in the subcategories of mathematical confidence and behavioral participation in mathematics, they were at a high level in the subcategories of learning mathematics with technology, confidence in using technology and affective participation in mathematics. It has been found that the sources of attitude towards mathematics in PSTs mainly consist of teaching processes (teacher, subject, success, method, experience). Also, it has been determined that the sources of attitude towards mathematics behaviors differ slightly in categories and consist of teaching processes (subject, teacher, classroom atmosphere, achievement, homework and responsibility). Lastly, it has been concluded that the sources of attitude towards technology are, in turn, the use of technology in lessons, their experience with technology and the necessity of the age.


Mathematics Attitude, Preservice Teacher, Technology, Mathematics.

How to Cite this Article?

Büyükkarci, A. (2021). Attitudes of Preservice Teachers to Mathematics and Technology. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 17 (1), 12-32.


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