Stabilization of Lithomargic Soil using Bio-Enzymes for Subgrade Pavements - A Review

Nischith Nirmal Raj G. S.*, Mallikarjun H.**, Nethravathi S.***
*-*** Department of Civil Engineering, R. V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2021


Lithomargic soil, known locally as Shedi soil, is typically found below the lateritic soil at a shallow depths, destabilizes the pavements developed on the embankment or subgrade, as they do not have the required shear strength. Deformation of the soft subgrade soil is frequently troublesome during the building of flexible pavements as well as in the postconstruction stage, resulting in increased road operation and maintenance cost. Several studies have investigated the influence of lithomargic soil on contact erosion failure at the boundary between coarse granular material and surface material due to vertical changes in water level. Therefore, before it can be used as a road material, it is necessary to improve the engineering properties of this soil. The properties of lithomargic soils were improved by various additives such as chemicals, mechanical reinforcement, and a combination of chemical and mechanical methods, and with the use of biopolymers and bio-enzymes. Bio-enzymes are eco-friendly in nature and exhibit a good soil stabilization effect by forming bond between clay mineral and polar end groups of bio-enzymes, and reduces air voids. In this present study, TerraZyme is used as a lithomargic soil stabilizer and the compaction, strength, durability, and performance of a soil- TerraZyme mixture are reviewed.


Lithomargic Soil, Bio-Enzyme, TerraZyme.

How to Cite this Article?

Raj, G. S. N. N., Mallikarjun, H., and Nethravathi, S. (2021). Stabilization of Lithomargic Soil using Bio-Enzymes for Subgrade Pavements - A Review. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 11(4), 26-32.


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