2, CO, H2, NH3, LPG, Toluene, Temperature and Humidity. The system sense the presence of these air pollutants and send them to cloud analysis. It also includes the development of a mobile application to monitor and alert whenever the pollutant concentration exceeds the threshold value.


Design and Implementation of IoT based Pollution Monitoring and Control

Kakarla Deepti*
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Vasavi College of Engineering, Telangana, Hyderabad, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2020
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jele.11.1.18295


Indoor air pollution in developing countries has a direct impact on the mortality rate. Washrooms and kitchens are the common sources of indoor air pollution. In recent years, Scientists and public have shown more concern towards indoor air quality as most people spend more than 70-90% of their time indoors. Shower head and faucets can accumulate bacteria due to the moist environment in washrooms. The swift in the deterioration in quality of atmospheric conditions is very high due to unclean emissions from automobiles and industries. These changes could be the causes of life threatening diseases. An air quality monitoring system that relies on IoT and cloud computing is presented in the proposed work. The device is designed to sense CO2, CO, H2, NH3, LPG, Toluene, Temperature and Humidity. The system sense the presence of these air pollutants and send them to cloud analysis. It also includes the development of a mobile application to monitor and alert whenever the pollutant concentration exceeds the threshold value.


Node MCU, Think Speak, IoT, Air Pollution Monitoring, ESP8266, Sensors.

How to Cite this Article?

Deepti, K. (2020). Design and Implementation of IoT based Pollution Monitoring and Control. i-manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering, 11(1), 16-24. https://doi.org/10.26634/jele.11.1.18295


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