Using Voscreen to Enhance English Language Vocabulary Learning

Süleyman Alperen Altug*, Ahmet Önal**
* Department of English Translation and Interpreting, MardinArtuklu University, Turkey.
** Department of English Language Teaching, SüleymanDemirel University, Turkey.
Periodicity:January - March'2022


Technology is of great importance in the specification of methods, techniques and tools to be used in or out of the classrooms. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the shutdown of schools and forced the education to be maintained online which makes the research on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools, to be used in learning more necessary than ever. In order to fulfil the research need, and to present an appropriate ICT tool to be used in vocabulary teaching, this study aimed to analyse the effect of the VoScreen tool on students' vocabulary achievements and attitudes towards ICT tools in general. The participants of the study included 82 preparatory classes, A2 proficiency level students. Participants were divided into two groups as experiment and control groups. After all the participants took a vocabulary achievement test as the pre-test, 42 participants in the experiment group were asked to use VoScreen daily 20 minutes out of their classes. After the treatment process, all the participants were asked to take the same vocabulary achievement test as the post-test. The results of the study demonstrated that the utilization of VoScreen by the instructors and students might yield notable benefits for vocabulary teaching and learning.


English Language Teaching, Information and Communication Technology, Vocabulary Learning, Voscreen.

How to Cite this Article?

Altug, S. A., and Önal, A. (2022). Using Voscreen to Enhance English Language Vocabulary Learning. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 12(1), 25-38.


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