Implementation of Block Truncation Algorithm

Sandhya J. *, Myvizhi Selvi V. **, Rashmi A. ***
*-*** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2020


Due to the growing necessities for transmission of images through Internet, the studies in the area of photo compression has multiplied significantly. Image compression performs a vital role in virtual photo processing, and it is also very crucial for green transmission and storage of pictures. When computing the quantity of bits with photo attributable to usual sampling and quantization methods, image compression is needed. In this paper, the image compression has been implemented using block truncation method simulated with MATLAB software. The peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), bitrate for the Block Truncation Coding (BTC) and Enhanced Block Truncation Coding (EBTC) technique has been studied.


Image Compression, Block Truncation Coding, Compression Ratio, Mean Square Error, Peak Signal To Noise Ratio.

How to Cite this Article?

Sandhya, J., Selvi, V. M., and Rashmi, A. (2020). Implementation of Block Truncation Algorithm. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 15(2), 1-8.


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