Analysing the Growth of Plants Using Hydroponic Techniques with Embedded System Controller

Pavithra R.*, Prabha A. G. **, Preethi J. ***, Preethi S. ****, Sasirekha D. *****
*-***** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering College (Anna University), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2021


This paper aims to develop a monitoring tool for farming using Hydroponic techniques. The water with nutrient solution level is detected by the Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and the temperature is detected by the temperature sensor W1209 digital temperature. The pH level of water is detected by pH sensor and PH4502C for transferring the voltage generated by the sensor to the Arduino uno board. Data from the sensor will be forwarded into Arduino Uno and displayed in Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and then the wireless fidelity (WIFI) ESP8266 module will transmit the level of water with nutrient solution, pH value and the temperature to the Android phone through ThingView app.


Water Level, pH Value, ThingView app.

How to Cite this Article?

Pavithra, R., Prabha, A. G., Preethi, J., Preethi, S., and Sasirekha, D. (2021). Analysing the Growth of Plants Using Hydroponic Techniques with Embedded System Controller. i-manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 9(1), 23-29.


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