Customer Friendly Low-Cost Smart Shopping Trolley Using IoT

C. Santosh Gokul*, T. Prem Kumar **, Saji P. Thomas ***, C. Ramesh ****
*-**** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2021


Technology is evolving day by day with the application of artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality, sensory commerce, etc. With busy schedules, people commute between cities for job from home and waiting at a checkout counter in a shopping mall is considered to be a waste of time. The system proposed in this paper helps people to complete their shopping transaction with ease. With this system, a customer need not wait in the queue for the scanning for the product items for billing purpose. They can self-scan the products on their own with the barcode unit. As a result, billing can be conducted from the shopping cart itself, preventing customers from waiting in a long queue at checkout counter. Supermarkets can provide this facility to customers who have membership or loyalty card with the particular outlet or the chain of outlets in any city. In our proposal, this shopping trolley are specially made for the use of the customers who would be having membership with the supermarket. Supermarkets may use this technology as a strategy to increase the number of customers.


AVR ATmega 16, NodeMCU, Automated Billing, Barcode Scanning.

How to Cite this Article?

Gokul, C. S., Kumar, T. P., Thomas, S. P., and Ramesh, C. (2021). Customer Friendly Low-Cost Smart Shopping Trolley Using IoT. i-manager's Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 9(2), 16-21.


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