IoT Based Solar Power Assisted Battery Balancing System for E-Vehicles

L. Gnanaprakash*, M. Prabha **, T. Muthamil ***
*-***Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Annapoorana Engineering College, Salem, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2021


This paper proposes charging E-vehicle by utilizing the Solar panels, accessible by IoT gadget utilizing the MPPT regulator. The entire arrangement is associated with the Arduino UNO R3, and the battery level produced, and the measure of the battery can be seen utilizing a LCD. IoT modem is utilized to get an alarm message for any decrease of power in the framework. The accessibility status of charge, the measure of force moved to the charging module and the accessible area for the charging station are shown. The fundamental thought behind this paper is to lessen ozone depleting substance outflow and petroleum products.


Solar Panel, SEPIC Converter, Arduino UNO R3, Modem, Servo Motor, Battery, MPPT Controller

How to Cite this Article?

Gnanaprakash, L., Prabha, M., and Muthamil, T. (2021). IoT Based Solar Power Assisted Battery Balancing System for E-Vehicles. i-manager's Journal on Electrical Engineering, 15(1), 44-51.


[6]. Barsukov, Y. (2009). Battery cell balancing: What to balance and how. Texas Instruments, 1-8.
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