Vehicle Anti-Theft: Development and Implementation of Face Recognition Using Raspberry Pi

M. Keshavan*, S. Sumathi **
* Department of Applied Electronics, R. V. S College of Engineering, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, R. V. S College of Engineering, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2021


Vehicle theft is a major crime all over the world, usually related with other crimes or just stolen for its spare parts. Car manufactures include immobilizers with the cars to prevent theft. Many anti-theft devices are available in the market, which alerts with an alarm or tracks the stolen vehicle. This paper proposes a novel method that uses facial recognition to prevent vehicle theft. Using this system only authorised person by the owner of the car can operate the car and they have to be registered in the system. The system works by scanning the face of the driver before ignition, and if the user's face is recognised with the images in the system, the car will start. When we switch on the device, it scans the owner's face for the first time. The car may be started after a successful registration. If the face does not match with the images in the system, the system denies access and the buzzer sounds and an alert message is sent to the owner's mobile phone. The image of the unauthorised person will be captured and sent to the vehicle owner. GPS can also be used to locate the vehicle.


Anti-Theft Device, Face Recognition, Face Detection, Raspberry Pi.

How to Cite this Article?

Keshavan, M., and Sumathi, S. (2021). Vehicle Anti-Theft: Development and Implementation of Face Recognition Using Raspberry Pi. i-manager's Journal on Pattern Recognition, 8(1), 1-11.


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