IoT based Health Monitoring System with Voice Control Module

N. Nazeeya Anjum*, K. Balaji **
*-** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2020


Application with Internet of Things (IoT) have significantly advanced in recent years. Secured healthcare systems to improve human health and wellbeing are potential applications that can be implemented through IoT. A desirable IoT system should be capable of taking care of the patients from all aspects, covering personalized medication, vital signs monitoring, onsite diagnosis and interaction with remote physicians. This paper proposes a solution based on IoT for monitoring patients on a daily basis. The solution will be open platform-based intelligent healthcare system with enhanced connectivity and interoperability for device and service integration. Flexible and wearable bio-medical sensor device enabled by system on-chip voice module helps to reduce the cost of healthcare while simultaneously improving outcomes. The proposed work integrates IoT devices with healthcare services for an improved user experience and better service.


IoT, Healthcare Remote Monitoring, Voice Module, Blynk App.

How to Cite this Article?

Anjum, N. N., and Balaji, K. (2020). IoT based Health Monitoring System with Voice Control Module. i-manager's Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 7(2), 32-40.


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