Switched Z Source Boost Converter for Three Phase Grid-Connected PV System

S. Pon Monisha*, K. Ajitha **
*-** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, P. S. R. Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2021
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jcir.9.1.18204


This project is aimed at the implementation of a fuzzy based maximum power point tracking in transformerless gridconnected PV system along with reactive power compensation. A single diode model is used for PV array and simulation study is performed using Matlab. In the neuro-fuzzy logic controller, voltage and current are taken as inputs and the effective value of AC current corresponding to the maximum power point is the output. As a result, in addition to supplying voltage via the inverter without using transformer to compensate for reactive power not exceeding its power rating. This results in utilization of PV system at night and at periods of low irradiation. Rules relating the input and output of neuro-fuzzy logic controller are written and simulation is performed. A DC-DC Switched Z source Boost Converter is used for maintaining DC input to the inverter at various conditions of irradiation and temperature. Gating pulses to the inverter are generated by PI (Proportional integral) controller. Simulation model of a 1000 W solar panel is developed and the results are obtained with neuro-fuzzy logic controller for different irradiation and temperature conditions. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in utilizing the PV system. This project is implemented in Matlab simulation.


PV Module, Photocurrent, DC-DC Converter, Matlab.

How to Cite this Article?

Monisha, S. P., and Ajitha, K. (2021). Switched Z Source Boost Converter for Three Phase Grid-Connected PV System. i-manager's Journal on Circuits and Systems, 9(1), 8-14. https://doi.org/10.26634/jcir.9.1.18204


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