Comparative Analysis Of Secondary School Students’ Attitudes Towards Science And Its Learning: The Singapore Experience Based Upon Gender, Academic Levels And Streams Differences

Kumar Laxman*, Dr. Yap Kueh Chin**
* Corresponding Author, National Institute of Education, Singapore.
** National Institute of Education, Singapore
Periodicity:May - July'2009


Students’ normative perceptions of the nature of Science and their worldviews on the relevance of Science in pragmatic everyday contexts influence their keenness in wanting to learn Science and develop scientific mindsets. The chief goal of the research study delineated in this paper was to examine patterns of commonalities and variations in the attitudes of students enrolled in Singapore secondary schools towards Science as an organized disciplinary field of knowledge and the efficacy of the teaching of Science subjects in the classrooms. A constructed survey was administered as the primary means of data collection and statistical methods were used to analyze the collected data corpus to establish salient research findings. Generally students found Science to be of utility in making better sense of sensory experiences and understanding the complexities of the mechanistic functioning of this universe. Students were also generally satisfied with the quality of teaching being carried out in their classrooms. However, interestingly, gender, academic levels and streams based differences did emerge in scrutinizing students’ responses on their conceptions of the structural character of Science and the approaches adopted in the pedagogical delivery of Science content matter during lesson time.


Student Attitudes, Perception of Science, Science Education, Comparative Studies.

How to Cite this Article?

Dr. Kumar Laxman and Dr. Yap Kueh Chin (2009). Comparative Analysis Of Secondary School Students’ Attitudes Towards Science And Its Learning: The Singapore Experience Based Upon Gender, Academic Levels And Streams Differences. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 3(1), 23-33.


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