Audio to Sign Language Translation

Kumaresan G.*, Varshini N. T. **, Venkat Raj D. ***, Yamini G. ****
*-**** Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2021


Hearing impaired people often consider communication as the primary important challenge they face with normal people. On the other hand, every normal person does not know the sign language. Sign language is the way of communication for hearing impaired people and speech impaired people. Our paper aims to bridge the gap between the hearing impaired persons and normal people with the advent of new technologies of web applications, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. Conversion of speech into the sign language is the main scope here. This system takes audio as input, converts this audio message into text and displays the relevant Indian Sign Language. By using this system, the communication is made easier between normal and hearing impaired persons.


Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Audio-To-Text, Indian Sign Language.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumaresan, G., Varshini, N. T., Raj, D. V., and Yamini, G. (2021). Audio to Sign Language Translation. i-manager's Journal on Pattern Recognition, 8(1), 31-36.


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