Automated Closed Loop Aquaponics

M. Mohammed Fazal*, B. Nithish Kumar **, S. Sasi Kumar ***
*-*** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Semmancheri, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2021


This paper describes watering system for aquaponics made using STM-32 microcontroller based on ARM Cortex and used Arduino (IDE) software to communicate with multiple sensors and other hardware via IoT. The aquaponic system monitors and controls the environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, pH, and water level sensors and determines the necessary response such as fish feeding, alarm unit, and water circulation. The values are recorded in IoT via node MCU ESP8266. The proposed work is self-sustainable, cost effective for any small scale urban farm.


Aquaponics, Arm Cortex Microcontroller, Node MCU ESP8266, IoT.

How to Cite this Article?

Fazal, M. M., Kumar, B. N., and Kumar, S. S. (2021). Automated Closed Loop Aquaponics. i-manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering, 11(2), 29-33.


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