Recognition of Face and Gait

S. Jeba Shiny*
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, DMI Engineering College, Aralvaimozhi, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2021


The recognition accuracy of 3 face recognition algorithms supported in mathematical spaceways (i.e., the Eigenfaces approach, the Fisher Faces technique, and the probabilistic Eigenfaces approach) is tested for various gallery sizes, image resolutions, and ranges of bits per pixel. Identical experiments are then conducted for numerous mixtures of these techniques, and the effectiveness of these mixtures is compared with that of the individual methods. The results show that there are some interesting relationships between recognition accuracy and image resolution. They also show that the mixtures of these techniques do improve performance over the individual approaches, which suggests that it might be worth looking into the unification of these approaches.


Face Recognition, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Eigenfaces, FisherFaces.

How to Cite this Article?

Shiny, S. J. (2021). Recognition of Face and Gait. i-manager's Journal on Pattern Recognition, 8(2), 37-45.


[12]. Turk, M. (1991). A Pentland Eigenfaces for Recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 3(1), 71-86.
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