Automated Wound Assessment System for Foot Ulcer Patients with Diabetes

Indujha M. S.*, Jaiganesh A. **, Poornima N. ***, Jebasharon J. ****
*-**** Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2021


Foot ulcer caused by diabetes is a medical disorder that affects many people all over the world. This paper proposes a method for evaluating the severity of the wound that has been caused by the disease. The image of the wound is taken using a camera and MATLAB software was used to analyze the width and severity of the ulcer using the Adaptive K-Mean algorithm. Self-assessment of an ulcer in the foot is a proper, convenient, and cost-effective way to save money on travel, medications, and hospital visits. To determine the depth of the wound, and how much it has inflicted on the patient, the scanned is image is preprocessed with Gaussian filter to eliminate noise, and then adaptive K-Mean algorithm is applied and analyzed. From the results, the treatment procedure can be determined.


Adaptive K-Mean Algorithm, Diabetic Images, Wound Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

Indujha, M. S., Jaiganesh, A., Poornima, N., and Jebasharon, J. (2021). Automated Wound Assessment System for Foot Ulcer Patients with Diabetes. i-manager's Journal on Pattern Recognition, 8(1), 12-18.


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