oC, a solar PV device with various irradiations is used. The PWM technique is used to produce pulses for the IBC's MOSFET. The conventional boost converter (BC) is unreliable in high-power applications. To reduce the stress of switches, two-stage 1800 phase shifting techniques have been used. The IBC method should be used in high-power applications to increase efficiency. Complete simulation has been analyzed with a switching frequency at 25 kHz. To boost the output voltage to 172.4 V, simulate and run 1 second of PV-based two-stage IBC with RL load. The phase shifting approach has been used to eliminate overall losses and harmonics. The simulated output results are obtained by the saturated waveform. Based on the interleaved approach, the overall efficiency of 88.5 percent has been obtained with the entire simulation simulated with MATLAB/Simulink software.


Simulation Analysis of PV Based Two Stage Interleaved Boost Converter for EV Application

0*, R. Zahira**
*-** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2021
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jps.9.1.18107


Solar PV power generation systems are connected to the load using a two-stage interleaved boost converter (IBC). Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) controllers are used in IBC circuits to extract the most power possible from the source. This paper examines the simulation of a PV based two stage IBC for EV applications using perturb and observe (P&O) MPPT algorithm. At a constant temperature of 25 oC, a solar PV device with various irradiations is used. The PWM technique is used to produce pulses for the IBC's MOSFET. The conventional boost converter (BC) is unreliable in high-power applications. To reduce the stress of switches, two-stage 1800 phase shifting techniques have been used. The IBC method should be used in high-power applications to increase efficiency. Complete simulation has been analyzed with a switching frequency at 25 kHz. To boost the output voltage to 172.4 V, simulate and run 1 second of PV-based two-stage IBC with RL load. The phase shifting approach has been used to eliminate overall losses and harmonics. The simulated output results are obtained by the saturated waveform. Based on the interleaved approach, the overall efficiency of 88.5 percent has been obtained with the entire simulation simulated with MATLAB/Simulink software.


Maximum Power Point Tracking, Boost Converter, Interleaved Boost Converter, Photo Voltaic, Perturb and Observe, Electric Vehicle.

How to Cite this Article?

Suresh, S., and Zahira, R. (2021). Simulation Analysis of PV Based Two Stage Interleaved Boost Converter for EV application. i-manager's Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 9(1), 8-14. https://doi.org/10.26634/jps.9.1.18107


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