Technology Is an Embedded Agent of Cultural Impact

Dr. K. Nachimuthu *
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu.
Periodicity:April - June'2012


We all watch Television, read newspapers and magazines, and we also go to see films, because of different means of communications. Because, beyond the physical requirements of food and shelter, man has now another fundamental need that is the need of communication. That communication will derive and cultivate out cultural heritages. Influences of Traditional Media for the rural cultural development, the communities and individuals have utilized a wide range of media local fares, puppet shows, street theatre folk songs and ballads for social purposes and schemes for health and family welfare campaigns, also political awareness. The Internet has the same revolutionary impact- individuals and businesses can overcome geographical, cultural and logistical barriers and improve the way they live and work. The life style of people has changed due to media exposes. One of the famous reports in 2011 says the 52 million active users in India used the Net facilities. IMAI and IMRB suggests that, more than 75% of Internet usage is still driven by youngsters that include young men, school and college going students. A crucial engine of cultural influence and transformation, Indian television programming now reaches 253 million households across the country. We share more things through Amazon, Google & Android, Micro-soft and maybe even Face book. People can book tickets via mobile, even pay bills through mobile and can transfer cash from one mobile to another mobile. Through books and magazines, radio and television programs, films, art and theatre, museums and historic sites, Indian culture helps us to understand and to celebrate our lives as Indians. This paper discusses the importance of cultural heritage of Indian activities and the detailed reports of influence of technology and act as a creative agent of cultural renaissance.


Technology, Cultural Heritage, Internet, Television.

How to Cite this Article?

K. Nachimuthu (2012). Technology Is An Embedded Agent Of Cultural Impact. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 9(1), 23-30.


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