Personality Theory and TESOL

M. Fadi Al Shalabi*, Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan**
*Staff member and the Director of the Department of International and Cultural Relations at Damascus University, Syria.
**Assistant Professor of TEFL at the English Department of University of Zanjan, Iran.
Periodicity:May - July'2009


In this paper, it is argued, based on evidence from psychological literature, that there are three major approcahes to the study of personality, namely (a) situationism, (b) interactionism, and (c) constructivism. It is also noticed that these approached have resulted in the emergence of three major types of personality theories: (1) type theories, (2) trait theories, and (3) factor theories. In connection to TESOL, it is argued that extroversion/introversion and risk-taking are the most important personality factors. It is also argued that such personality factors as tolerance of ambiguity, empathy, self-esteem, inhibition, and intelligence have also been addressed by TESOL research, but that the two most important factors are extroversion/introversion and risk-taking.


Personality, Rsik-taking, Extraversion, TESOL, Introversion.

How to Cite this Article?

M. Fadi Al Shalabi and Dr. Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan (2009). Personality Theory and TESOL. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 3(1), 14-22.


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