Noise Robust Speech Recognition under Noisy Environments

P. Sunitha*, V. Sailaja **, B. Vasantha Lakshmi ***
*-*** Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Pragati Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2020


This paper presents a new method for improving the recognition accuracy of a speech recognition system in a noisy environment by using robust speech enhancement technique with the aid of noise estimation algorithm. The robustness of a speech recognition system can be improved by improving the speech quality at signal level by means of noise suppression algorithms, feature extraction level or at modelling phase. The proposed method uses robust speech enhancement technique as a pre-processing operation to improve the recognition accuracy in presence of noise. The suggested method is evaluated in terms of recognition accuracy. The suggested method yields better results in terms of recognition accuracy in presence of eight different types of non-stationary noises under different SNR levels when compared with the baseline speech recognition system.


Speech Recognition, Speech Enhancement, Noise Estimation, Spectral Subtraction.

How to Cite this Article?

Sunitha, P., Sailaja, V., and Lakshmi, B. V. (2020). Noise Robust Speech Recognition under Noisy Environments. i-manager's Journal on Pattern Recognition, 7(2), 23-28.


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