The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Students' Academic Achievement in Science and Mathematics Education: A Meta-Analysis Study

Atilla Özdemir*, Merve Lutfiye Senturk**
*-** Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey.
Periodicity:October - December'2021


This study examines the effect of the flipped learning approach on academic achievement based on science and mathematics education fields with the meta-analysis method. For this purpose, including the different uses of the flipped learning approach in the literature; "Science Education & Academic Success & Flipped Classroom," "Mathematics Teaching & Academic Success & Flipped Classroom" have been searched as keywords through national thesis center database in Turkey. A total of 13 Master's and doctoral theses have participated in the research within the inclusion criteria scope. The data were analyzed through the CMA program. As a result of the data analysis, a statistically significant effect size was found in favor of the flipped learning approach in general (g = 1.223; p <.001; 95% confidence interval 0.667–1.769). In addition, it was revealed that the effect size of data showed normal distribution, and showed a high level of heterogeneity. Within the scope of sub-problems, it has been concluded that a statistically significant difference exists in terms of the effect of the flipped learning approach in science and mathematics on academic achievement according to the education level and sample size of the study group. A higher effect size on academic achievement was found in university students' studies and flipped learning with small groups. It was revealed that the learning area (discipline), the duration of the flipped learning approach, and the year of publication do not have a statistically significant effect size.


Flipped Classroom Model, Academic Achievement, Mathematics Education, Science Education.

How to Cite this Article?

Ozdemir, A., and Senturk, M. L. (2021). The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Students' Academic Achievement in Science and Mathematics Education: A Meta-Analysis Study . i-manager's Journal of Educational Technology, 18(3), 22-41.


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