Security Enhancement with Smart Door Unlocking using Machine Learning

K. Bhagya Lakshmi *, Akshay Maddela **, Akhil Palvai ***, Lalitha Muppana ****
*-**** Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2021


In this technologically advancing world, we not only require security for our data but we also need advanced security for homes. In this regard, one of the important aspects is the security enhancement using the smart door unlocking system. This smart door unlocking system uses face recognition using Raspberry Pi, for the purpose of locking or unlocking the door. Face recognition is one of the most secured systems than biometrics pattern recognition technique which is used in a large spectrum of applications. In this system, camera sensor is used for capturing the faces and an image matching algorithm is used to detect the authenticated face. For image matching we are using the LBPH (Local Binary Pattern Histogram) algorithm. This algorithm converts the image from color to a grayscale image, it then divides them into pixels and they will be stored in the matrix form in the database. When a person's face is matched, the Raspberry Pi microcontroller uses the solenoid lock to unlock the door. This system provides security and also makes door unlocking effortless for elders. The proposed system is robust from hacking attacks, as our proposed system uses the Machine Learning approach.


Face Recognition, LBPH (Local Binary Histogram Pattern), Machine Learning, Raspberry Pi, Sensor, Solenoid Lock.

How to Cite this Article?

Lakshmi, K. B., Maddela, A., Palvai, A., Muppana, L. (2021). Security Enhancement with Smart Door Unlocking using Machine Learning. i-manager's Journal on Image Processing, 8(1), 7-11.


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