A Review Paper on Design and Analysis of Control ARM

Anuj Awasthi *, Ravindra Kumar Ambikesh**
* Department of Computer Aided Design-Mechanical Engineering, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2021
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jme.11.3.18055


Suspension system acts as an important mechanical structure in vehicles to achieve ride comfort and stability. This suspension system comprises of a system of springs, dampers and linkages which connects the chassis to its wheels. The performance of the suspension system directly affects the ride comfort and handling safety of the vehicle. Therefore, the suspension system of a vehicle needs to be durable, light weight, efficient and structurally stable. Researchers are optimizing and refining their suspension system designs in search of perfect ride comfort coupled with stable race-worthy handling. In the suspension system, the control arm acts as most important part and it is assumed as the research object now-a-days. This paper covers essential aspects of vehicle suspension systems. This paper begins with the introduction of the role of suspensions in cars and a description of their main components and types of suspension system. Then, a literature review on recent developments in the design and analysis of control arm including their disadvantages and advantages has been provided. Finally, the scope of future work in the design and analysis of control arm is discussed.


Suspension Systems, Lower Control Arm, Upper Control Arm, Topology Optimization, Multi-Material Concept, Stress Analysis, Double Wishbone.

How to Cite this Article?

Awasthi, A., and Ambikesh, R. K. (2021). A Review Paper on Design and Analysis of Control ARM. i-manager's Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 11(3), 46-52. https://doi.org/10.26634/jme.11.3.18055


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