An Outlook on the Pre-Service EFL Teachers' Intercultural Competence in Turkey

Deren Basak Akman Yesilel*
Department of English Language Teaching, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey.
Periodicity:October - December'2021


Due to the global changes, i.e., technological improvements, migratory movements, exchange students, etc., the geographical frontiers between nations have been removed. This caused an increase in everyday contact among people from different cultural backgrounds. English is used for that purpose. Considering this, there seems to be a necessity to explore pre-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers' intercultural awareness level in the Turkish setting. This study explores pre-service EFL teachers' Intercultural Competence (IC) concerning some variables such as gender, age, overseas experience, etc. For that reason, 184 pre-service EFL teachers participated in the current study voluntarily. The data were gathered via the Intercultural Competence Scale consisting of 30 items with a 6-point likert scale. The results revealed that participants achieved a high level of intercultural competence. The results of the male participants were significantly different than their female counterparts. The findings also indicated that overseas experience contributed to their IC. There was a significant relationship between IC and their grades. Fourth-year preservice EFL teachers performed better compared to second-year pre-service EFL teachers. No significant relationship was found regarding age and graduated high school. Considering these findings, it is suggested that more intercultural emphasis should take place in pre-service EFL teacher training programs in Turkey.


Cultural Awareness, Intercultural Competence, Pre-service EFL Teachers.

How to Cite this Article?

Yesilel, D. B. A. (2021). An Outlook on the Pre-Service EFL Teachers' Intercultural Competence in Turkey. i-manager's Journal on English Language Teaching, 11(4), 31-46.


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