Model Predictive Control for DC–DC Boost Converter for Elimination of Overshoot and Achieving Faster Response in Solar PV Applications

Guruvulu Naidu Ponnada*, Ch. Sai Babu**, S. Satyanarayana***
*-** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
*** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Raghu Institute of Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2021


The present day industries are availing the use of modern digital power electronic devices which are more robust, noise free, reliable and flexible. Power DC-DC converters are used to control the output voltage of most of the electrical and electronics appliances, when they are employed for applications such as aircrafts, energy storage systems, electric vehicles, standalone, and grid connected photovoltaic (PV) system. The control of these converters has a wide scope for research and a number of control schemes have been introduced to efficiently control the output devices. This paper presents the design of model predictive controller (MPC) for boost converter. Boost converter is mathematically modelled and are implemented in MATLAB Simulink. Finally, they have tested various controller schemes and results obtained using these controllers are compared and analysed. The open loop response of the system has been used to find the transfer function (TF) of the system. The TF is used to design the MPC. The output voltage of converters is controlled by the designed controller and it has been observed that the output of converters is maintained at a constant value for different set points. The notable feature of the proposed design is to reduce the overshoot drastically. The empirical rules for tuning MPC parameters are reported based on desired response. Finally, the output voltage of the system with MPC based controller is compared with that of conventional controllers like PI, PID and it is found that MPC showed better control performance than conventional controllers. The efficacy of the designed controller is demonstrated through simulation using DCDCboost converters with R and RL load.


Model Predictive Controller (MPC), Transfer Function (TF), Power DC-DC Converters, Boost Converter.

How to Cite this Article?

Ponnada, G. N., Babu , C. S., and Satyanarayana, S. (2021). Model Predictive Control for DC–DC Boost Converter for Elimination of Overshoot and Achieving Faster Response in Solar PV Applications. i-manager's Journal on Electrical Engineering, 14(3), 22-31.


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