Selection of Optimum Design among Different Vane Designs by Weighted Average Method

Nandan Seshadri*, Pramod S. N.**, Sai Vidhat D.***, Shashank P.****, Kiran Kumar P.*****
*-***** Department of Mechanical Engineering, S J B Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2021


The aim is to study the various types of vanes and to optimize the design of the existing vanes to provide efficiency in the best possible way. Weighted average method has been used to determine the most efficient blade analytically, considering various factors such as head, kinetic energy conserved, efficiency, power, running cost, space and volumes and capital cost. These findings from the study revealed that the spiral type turbine has been more efficient than the others. Vanes of spiral, Kaplan and Pelton turbines have been taken into consideration. Weighted Average Method (WAM) is an optimization technique used to compare the various entities and displays a way to show how the required entity is better than the rest of the entities as per requirements. In this paper, WAM method is used to show how spiral vanes are better than Kaplan and Pelton vanes for low energy consumptions. The ranking obtained from the WAM shows that spiral vanes can perform better than Kaplan and Pelton vanes as per the requirements of low - head, capital cost, running cost, high – efficiency, KE conserved, volume of discharge, power for small scale energy generation.


Turbine, Vanes, Pelton, Kaplan, Spiral Vanes, Weighted Average Method.

How to Cite this Article?

Seshadri, N., Pramod, S. N., Vidhat, D. S., Shashank, P., and Kumar, P. K. (2021). Selection of Optimum Design among Different Vane Designs by Weighted Average Method. i-manager's Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 11(2), 27-35.


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