Attitudes of Pre-Service Geography Teachers Towards Teaching Environmental Education at the Lowveld University

Daniel Gamira *, Thomas Firomumwe **
* Department of Teacher Development, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe.
** Geography and Business Studies, Embakwe High School, Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Plumtree, Zimbabwe.
Periodicity:March - May'2021


This qualitative study explored pre- service Geography teachers' attitudes towards teaching Environmental Education (EE) at the Lowveld University. Pre-service Geography teachers are part of university students with greater potential to understand and assimilate many dimensions of education for sustainable development during and after university work. Twenty year-two pre-service Geography teachers were purposively selected to participate in the study. The study adopted a case study design. Data was generated via questionnaires and focus group interviews. Findings reveal that teaching EE is important as it provides learners with knowledge on environmental education/education for sustainable development about ecosystems, the interdependence of biotic and abiotic factors. Knowledge gained through EE helps people to sustainably manage the environment by taking action to keep our natural world healthy, our economies productive and vibrant. EE affords learners the opportunity to apply their classroom knowledge to identify, observe and solve complex environmental issues confronting our planet. The study further revealed sufficient pedagogical knowledge (PCK) and positive teacher attitude as enabling factors to the teaching of EE. Teachers are constrained to teaching of EE by inadequate training in terms of pedagogical content knowledge in EE and lack of resources. The study recommends that apart from developing the teachers' cognitive domain on ecosystems, the affective domain should be seriously considered. Teachers are more than just subject specialists who are aufait with Content Knowledge (SCK) and Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), they carry with them in their disposition into the classroom.


Attitudes, Pre-Service Teachers, Geography, Cognitive Domain, Affective Domain, Environmental Education, Pro- Environmental Behavior.

How to Cite this Article?

Gamira, D., and Firomumwe, T. (2021). Attitudes of Pre-Service Geography Teachers Towards Teaching Environmental Education at the Lowveld University. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 16(4), 20-32.


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