Estimation of Seismic Fragility in Structural Systems

Engammagari Ganesh*, M. K. Shrimali**, P. V. Ramana***
*-***National Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Management, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2021


Dynamic analysis is used to estimate brittleness functions and is an essential part of many seismic measurement procedures. The multi-band method is more efficient than brittleness projections for a given variety of structural analyses than Dynamic Incremental Analysis (DIA), which means some understanding of building capacity is needed before analysis. The sufficient portions of the brittleness curve can be roughly described. This finding has alternative advantages because the multiple band analysis approach allows for many ground movements for studies of different intensity ranges to reproduce the various low and high-intensity tremor options. This article investigates the applicability of statistical inference methods to predict brittleness functions, describes practical strategies for use in various structural analysis techniques and examines brittleness functions that can be updated to minimize the number of brittleness. The proposed evaluation system also provides a basis for evaluating possible test methods in the future. Seismic brittleness analysis can be a probabilistic measure for assessing the seismic performance of structural components or systems such as seismic brittleness analysis, damage probability matrix and brittleness curve. The dynamic response of the variability of the system's parameters and the uncertainty on the structure's capacity is due to the imprecise environment of the models and the erraticism of the system's structures.


Dynamic Analysis, Fragility Functions, Incremental Dynamic Analysis, Ground Movement Intensity, Multiple Stripe Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

Ganesh, E., Shrimali, M. K., and Ramana, P. V. (2021). Estimation of Seismic Fragility in Structural Systems. i-manager's Journal on Structural Engineering, 10(2), 1-12.


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